Privacy Policy
Data Protection

You can stay in touch with us through various contents such as videos , pictures , notes , blog posts and writeup through various third party applications such as Facebook,Instagram , twitter and links available through third party sites or our affiliated services. When you use your account or else our content on or through third party social networking sites or by any other means , you may give permissions to us for accessing certain information from your social media profile from your interaction with us like your name , photo, gender, birthday, email address , location, friend lists , following lists ,posts, tags,quotes, and likes you make . By sharing information from your profiles you people can help us in providing exclusive contents , helping you a better online experience and to stay in touch with you directly or via social social networking sites with the latest trends and buzz in this fast growing media world . We must also warn you that your information over internet is viable to various other websites based on your privacy settings, there for we cannot prevent further use of your information because it could be seen by anyone using the internet .

To whom we share your personal data

1 )Our related companies and members of onlookers media .
2) Content partners and advertisers .
3) Credit reporting and fraud checking agencies .
4) Government and other related authorities.
5) Tele Communication and information service providers .

Contact us

If you need any further assistance or have queries about your use of personal information , please write to us at [email protected]